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воскресенье, 13 января 2013 г.

Dana White doesn’t criticize fighters that take steroids for testosterone replacement therapy

Administration of steroids for testosterone replacement therapy by athletes is a controversial issue. There are many debates connected with it. It is known by everyone that steroids and several other related medications are banned in many sports organizations. But if a person should administer these products under guidelines of his/her doctor for medical needs, he/she should receive a therapeutic use exemption. Although it is permitted to apply even anabolic steroids for clinical purposes, such athletes are frequently blamed and named “cheaters”. In fact, it is unfair.
What does Dana White, the UFC president, believe about usage of steroids for testosterone replacement therapy? Does he blame fighters that use steroids in order to enhance their decreased levels of testosterone? Dana White affirms that any person with hypogonadism should take steroids, if these preparations are prescribed by his physician. Although it is fair, let notice why some sportspersons suffer from low levels of testosterone. It is proven scientifically that steroid abuse may lead to suppression of natural testosterone secretion. So, certain fighters and other sportspersons that have taken previously steroids for performance-enhancing effects may experience hypogonadism. Hence, their doctors recommend them administering some steroids in order to increase their testosterone levels.
According to the UFC president, testosterone replacement therapy is legal for all men, including professional sportspersons. Thus, if any sportsman has hypogonadism, he should be allowed to apply steroids recommended by his health care provider. He should get normal testosterone levels that characterize any healthy man of his age.
But Dana White makes it clear that any fighter or another sportsman who takes anabolic steroids and/or other prohibited medicines for athletic purposes must be sentenced to bans. It is needed to make difference between those that administer steroids for medical purposes and those that want to gain muscle mass and strength with the help these drugs. No one is allowed to administer anabolic steroids for athletic purposes. It is forbidden in sports. Those that violate anti-doping rules should be punished. Sports must be free from doping.
It seems to be strange that statements of the UFC president differ obviously from statements presented by anti-doping officials. As you know, words of several anti-doping officers for steroid users are much harsher than those said by Dana White.

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