Buy Steroids Online

вторник, 25 декабря 2012 г.

May correct administration of steroids cause serious kidney problems in healthy users?

Anabolic steroids are often blamed for various diseases of consumers. Undoubtedly, these products may cause some undesirable results. Nevertheless, anabolic steroids are often demonized without any reason. It is affirmed frequently by the media that these products cause different illnesses, crimes, deaths. But it is necessary to comprehend essence of these medicines and see when these drugs should not be demonized.
Let analyze 2 cases. One of the cases is connected with the former American bodybuilder Flex Wheeler. Another case is related to another former bodybuilder Luke Wood.
The former American bodybuilder Flex Wheeler experienced kidney dysfunctions. He submitted to a kidney transplant. Since he used steroids, the media chose to demonize these products for kidney dysfunctions of Flex Wheeler. Actually, Flex Wheeler had a hereditary kidney disease. Undoubtedly, application of anabolic steroids contributed to the complications. But did the bodybuilder take anabolic steroids properly? Did he follow reasonable guidelines connected with dosages and length of application? No, he didn’t. Flex Wheeler administered very increased measures of anabolic steroids. Moreover, he used these preparations prolonged period of time. In addition to these factors, the former American bodybuilder used also other preparations which had negative influence on his kidneys. Thus, steroids should not be demonized for Flex Wheeler’s disease.
As it has been already noted, another case is connected with the former bodybuilder Luke Wood. He died after a kidney transplant, being a young person. The media also chose to demonize steroids in this case. It was stated that anabolic steroids caused kidney dysfunctions in Luke Wood. But you should be informed that Luke Wood applied not only steroids. He applied also insulin, pain drugs, DNP and other preparations which influenced on the kidneys negatively. Thus, it is impossible to say that steroids were responsible for his kidney failure and death.
According to many experts, if steroids are taken properly, severe kidney disorders don’t occur.

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