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четверг, 3 мая 2012 г.

The BOA tries to justify itself, claiming that it has the best laws on steroids

The British Olympic Association tries to justify itself for the fact that it breaks laws of the World Anti-Doping Agency. According to rules of the WADA, punishment for application of anabolic steroids and other related substances have to be universal in the whole  world. The punishment that is indicated for a sportsperson who has used prohibited preparations for the first time is sentencing to suspension of 2 years.
But the British Olympic Association confirms that such penalty is not good enough. The BOA sentences steroid users for life-time suspensions from taking part in the Olympics. The WADA notes that this law of the BOA contradicts the WADA Code which is universal.
Lord Moynihan, the chairman of the BOA, hasn’t agreed to concede. As a result, a hearing has been scheduled to be at a Court of Arbitration for Sports in London.
The sportspersons who had used forbidden preparations were suspended by the International Olympic Committee from participations in Olympics under the Osaka Rule.
Lord Moynihan said that the law of the BOA connected with life-time bans wouldn’t be cancel, if even the CAS would be in contradiction with it. The BOA claims that it has the best rules.
Moynihan supported affirmations written by the former British Olympic decathlete Daley Thompson that noticed that British laws related to usage of controlled substances were the best. He confirmed that they shouldn’t be overthrown by the rest part of the world.
Delay Thompson believes that cheaters have to be punished harshly. They should be banned for the whole life. According to his words, the BOA shouldn’t agree with the rule of the WADA to sentence cheaters just for 2-year suspensions. He believes that the Britain wants to have the highest sport standards. He notes that if the rest part of the world refuses to have high standards, it doesn’t mean that Britain has to follow their low levels.
David Howman, the director general of the WADA, criticizes statements pronounced by Daley, noticing that steroid testing has been just on its early level of development, when he has won his gold medals in Olympics in Moscow and Los Angeles.
Travis Tygart, the CEO of the US Anti-Doping Agency, blames the BOA for its refusal to submit to the rules of the WADA. It seems to be strange that Travis Tygart who usually blames cheaters blames the BOA for the strict rule.
Travis Tygart states that since international laws have been once established and all have agreed to them, anyone must follow them.
The British athletes Dwain Chambers and David Millar who have been earlier banned for intake of forbidden substances wait for the conclusions connected with this issue. They desire to know whether they will be allowed to compete at the 2012 London Olympics.

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