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вторник, 5 марта 2013 г.

Anti-aging clinics supply sportspeople with anabolic steroids and other doping products

A lot of anti-aging clinics are connected with doping scandals. It’s naturally because they supply sportspersons and bodybuilders with steroids and other related products. When appropriate authorities search anti-aging clinics and confiscate medical records, they see that several successful sport figures are clients of the clinics.
Lately some anti-aging clinics located in Miami were investigated. Federal agents determined that the clinics sold prescription drugs illegally. The clinics sold preparations for increase of muscle mass, reduction of fat deposits, increase of strength, etc.
According to the newspaper the Miami New Times, the anti-aging clinic Biogenesis was found guilty of illicit sale of performance-enhancing drugs. Moreover, such prominent baseball players, as Alex Rodriquez and Melky Cabrera purchased doping products at Biogenesis of America. Thus, the anti-aging clinic turned out to be connected with one of the biggest steroid scandals in baseball.
Medical records of Biogenesis were taken from an employee of the clinic. The records were displayed on the website of the newspaper Miami New Times. Journalists said that the employee who provided the records didn’t want to be identified.
It is reported that anabolic steroids, HGH, IGF-1 and other prescription medications are widely sold illegally by anti-aging clinics. Moreover, clinics hire doctors that provide fake prescriptions. Prescriptions for anabolic steroids and other related preparations are often given to clients without proper examination of their individual conditions. Moreover, physicians provide prescriptions even without seeing their patients. In additions to these aspects, some corrupt physicians allow anti-aging clinics to utilize their prescription pads. As a result, anti-aging clinics sell steroids, painkillers and other prescription drugs illicitly, as if they acted legally.
When illegal activities of anti-aging clinics become evident, owners of clinics, doctors and certain employees are sentenced to several penalties. Nonetheless, the risk to get punishment doesn’t stop clinics from their illicit actions. Although proper authorities try to eradicate illegal sale of prescription preparations, their success is not yet significant.

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