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понедельник, 8 октября 2012 г.

Steroid use in football

Many articles report about intake of steroids in baseball. Sportswriters and reporters describe steroid scandals which occur in this sport. It is widely debated about steroid era in baseball. MLB players are required to submit to numerous drug tests. It seems that each individual interested in sports blames baseball players for intake of doping products. Do just baseball players apply steroids and other related preparations? What do you believe about football players? Don’t they dope? Why do we demonize only baseball players for application of forbidden products?
Application of doping products is widespread in football. Since 1960s intake of performance-enhancing drugs has an essential role in this sport. It is hard to imagine football without administration of steroids and other related medicines.
Strength and size are important aspects in football. Certain persons consider that football players possess great strength just because of intensive trainings and suitable diets. But it is wrong. Numerous football players apply prohibited preparations in order to get strength and enhance muscle size.
As you see, application of prohibited medicines is widespread among football players. Nevertheless, baseball players are more harshly criticized for application of steroids and other related medicines. Such baseball players, as Jose Canseco, Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds were exposed to public shame because of steroid use. But such football players, as Lyle Alzado, Shawne Merriman, Chris Cooper and Thomas Romanowski, also applied prohibited medicines. Nevertheless, they were not so widely criticized, as dopers in baseball.
Furthermore, it is important to take into account that usage of steroids is linked with more risks in football.
It is claimed that football is unlikely to be cleaned from doping.

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