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среда, 3 октября 2012 г.

Anti-doping agencies put efforts to clean sports from doping

While athletes that dope seek new methods to avoid detection, anti-doping officers create new tools in order to catch those that use banned drugs. One of new techniques elaborated into anti-doping system is biological passport. It helps to set whether a sportsperson has administered any forbidden preparation. The biological passport measures certain biomarkers that can indicate whether a person has taken certain medicines. So, it can measure hemoglobin levels. Unexplained low or increased hemoglobin levels may indicate doping. Thus, the biological passport sets physical changes which play great role in detection.
It is clear that anti-doping system becomes more sophisticated. It creates new techniques to catch dopers and clean sports.
If you compare drug tests which have been applied earlier with those that are utilized nowadays, you can see that the difference is essential. Anti-doping efforts are significant. Drug testing becomes more advanced.
It was also created a test for detection of CERA. This drug was initially created in order to cure anemia related to kidney diseases. Since earlier there was not any drug test which could define metabolites of this substance, Rashid Ramzi of Bahrain avoided detection at the Beijing Olympics. Recently his sample was re-analyzed. Anti-doping officials determined that this sportsman had taken CERA. As a result, Rashid Ramzi was stripped of his awards.
Earlier it was difficult and even quite impossible to catch those who administered HGH. Recently a blood test for this medication was also developed.
Another new drug test, known as Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry, was also recently introduced. This test helps to define whether testosterone has been applied from outsides or it has been secreted in the body naturally.
So, anti-doping system is more sophisticated today. Anti-doping officials think that they will be capable to make sports free from administration of doping products.

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