Leslie Henderson worries about adolescents. She is troubled because many adolescents take anabolic steroids which may be dangerous for them. These medicines may make teenagers aggressive. Moreover, steroids may affect various systems of consumers. According to Leslie Henderson, the most dangerous aspect connected with usage of these drugs by adolescents is following: these products influence on the brain negatively. They destroy not only functions of the brain; they also change the way it acts.
Anabolic steroids have been elaborated in order to treat certain health disorders. These preparations are capable to promote development of secondary male features in boys with delayed puberty. They have ability to prevent muscle loss in individuals with HIV/AIDS and other health problems. But these products are also often abused. They are taken for enhancement of muscle mass and strength. When doctors recommend administering steroids to cure certain diseases, they indicate relatively low quantities that don’t cause dangerous adverse results. When these products are taken for performance-enhancing effects, dosages are high. But it is necessary to know that high measures may cause serious unwanted reactions.
Non-therapeutic intake of steroids is very dangerous for teenagers. Their systems have not been yet developed. That’s why these medicines may lead to irreversible changes in them. Steroids may destroy their physical as well mental health of teenagers. As a result, negative consequences of steroids are manifested in them not only during adolescence but also when they grow up. If adult persons abuse steroids, they usually don’t suffer from such prolonged serious side reactions, as adolescents experience. That’s why Leslie Henderson and other specialists note that it is important to teach teenagers about negative impact of steroids on them. They should know about all probable dangers. If teenagers know about severe adverse reactions of steroids, they will probably stop taking these preparations for improvement of physique and performance.