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вторник, 12 июня 2012 г.

Motorcycle gangs are more closely linked with psychostimulants than with steroids

The newspaper “The Sydney Morning Herald” reports that outlaw motorcycle gangs should be blamed for spread of illegal administration of steroids in Australia. The gangs have significant profit and reduced risks.
Nick Bingham, a detective, has noted that New South Wales Police doesn’t focus on investigation connected with intake of steroids but anabolic steroids become targets of investigations, when outlaw motorcycle gangs are arrested for violation of other laws.
According to Nick Bingham, although New South Wales police officers don’t raid houses of gangs for steroids, they find them, when searches for weapons and psychoactive drugs are conducted.
The detective Nick Bingham has noted that they commonly seize such amounts of steroids from motorcycle gangs that are only for personal usage. Quantities of other drugs which are usually found in possession of gangs are much greater than those of steroids.
Bingham has claimed that criminals like administering anabolic steroids in order to get threatening muscular physiques. They want to look big and strong.
Although Nick Bingham is sure that gangs have steroids only for personal application, the newspaper “The Sydney Morning Herald” presents opposite point of view. It is reported that motorcycle gangs are involved in smuggling of steroids.
Although gyms are claimed to be the main sources of steroids for bodybuilders, it is confirmed by “The Sydney Morning Herald” that several gyms have close connections with motorcycle gangs. The Herald claims that numerous seizures made by the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service are connected directly with distribution of steroids by motorcycle gangs.
According to statements of Australian Customs, mail seizures of steroids have been increased essentially in comparison with past years.
Over 2, 000 seizures were made in 2009-2010 and over 5, 000 seizures of steroids were recorded in 2010-2011.
Lots of seizures were connected with personal usage of steroids smuggled by bodybuilders.

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