Josh “The Babyfaced Assassin” Barnett, a former American mixed martial artist and wrestler, has obtained a conditional license by the California State Athletic Commission in order to fight. This person tested positive for the anabolic steroid that is well-known as “Masteron”. It was in June, 2009. Analyses of two urine samples showed that this wrestler had utilized this forbidden substance. It was prior to his fight against Fedor Emelianenko that had to be on August 1, 2009. As a result of his positive, the fighter was excluded from the event and sentenced to a suspension. So, this athlete forfeited his license.
Josh Barnett didn’t admit to usage of steroids or other related products knowingly. It was the 2nd time, when this person claimed that he had never taken steroids knowingly.
Some years ago this athlete tested positive for steroids too. After his fight in Las Vegas at UFC 36 in March 2002 he tested positive for metabolites of certain forbidden drugs. So, he forfeited his UFC Heavyweight title.
Josh Barnett was suspended for six months by the Nevada Athletic Commission. Shortly after he was sentenced to suspension he left the USA for Japan. This person fought there for about 5 years. Then he returned home. As a defense in 2002, this athlete condemned a dietary supplement which was offered for sales legally. This athlete noticed that he had applied that supplement in 2002. It was included in the list of the controlled substances later, in 2004. This athlete confirmed that it had been legal, when he had used it.
Several individuals were surprised that the CSAC granted Barnett a license to fight again. This fighter has never admitted that he had taken steroids.
Barnett noticed that a banned sportsperson had to talk publicly about evils of steroids in order to participate in competitions again.
Josh Barnett could convince the commission that he thought that steroids represented obvious evil. Barnett asked whether they ever discussed that steroids were bad.
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