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суббота, 17 марта 2012 г.

Colin Daynes’ usage of banned substances

A Greco-Roman wrestler, Colin Daynes, hoped to represent Canada at the 2012 London Olympics. Unfortunately, his dreams will not be real. Administration of prohibited preparations caused this unpleasant case. This wrestler was caught using steroids, diuretics and a selective estrogen receptor modulator.
Earlier this wrestler won the 74 kg division at the Canadian Wrestling Qualification Trials.
The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sports proclaimed that Colin Daynes had tested positive for such prohibited medicines, as boldenone, drostanolone, furosemide and tamoxifen. Boldenone and drostanolone belong to anabolic steroids that are better known under their trade names: Equipose and Masteron. When it comes to Tamoxifen, it is known as Nolvadex. This drug is usually used in combinations with some others to minimize fluid retention. Furosemide or Lasix is a diuretic. Wrestlers administrate this medicine as well as other diuretics to lose body weight in order to correspond to requirements of certain weight categories.
Colin Daynes acknowledged that he had administrated anabolic steroids and other prohibited preparations intentionally. He said that he had administrated these medicines to get recovery from a partially-torn bicep and an elbow injury.  But this wrestler added that he hadn’t known that these preparations were banned by the WADA. Daynes blamed his health care provider for this aspect. He said that he had consulted a naturopathic physician who advised him taking these preparations. Colin Daynes noticed that if he had known that the medications were prohibited, he would not have competed.
The Greco-Roman wrestler represented Canada at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. After he won the national trials in 2008 he intended to participate in the Beijing Olympics. But he didn’t participate in this Olympics because he couldn’t qualify internationally. Recently he won the Canadian Wrestling Qualifying Trials in December, 2011, and was scheduled to secure his allowance for the 2012 London Olympics through the competition at the Pan American Wrestling Championship.
But due to usage of forbidden products Colin Daynes has been sentenced to 2-year ban. It means that he is not allowed to compete till December 2012, when his athletic career ends as well.
Colin Daynes reported that he had represented the native country proudly. He concluded that people might judge him, if they were able to do it after his 25-year successful career and everything he had done.

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