Legislators of California confirm that anti-doping agencies violate fundamental constitutional rights of sportspersons suspected of steroid use. So, athletes that have never tested positive for any banned medicines are investigated. That’s why the lawmakers initiated a request to Congress to review this issue.
It is known that the USADA is sponsored chiefly by taxpayers. The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) gives 10 million dollars each year. This governmental office promotes fighting against application of forbidden drugs. Its goal is to eradicate illicit manufacture and drug use, crimes connected with application of illegal medicines, etc.
The request of California lawmakers was initiated soon after the cyclist Lance Armstrong decided not to appeal his lifetime suspension from professional sports.
Everybody knows that the former cyclist Lance Armstrong has been stripped of his 7 titles acquired at Tour de France. He was also suspended from competitions entirely.
Summer Lance Armstrong filed a lawsuit against the USADA, confirming that his constitutional rights were violated. But the judge Sam Sparks didn’t agree to accept the lawsuit. He confirmed that the USADA acted appropriately. He also said that the USADA was established in order to clean sports from sportspersons who apply prohibited remedies.
California Senator Michael Rubio affirmed that the judge didn’t do correctly, refusing to accept the lawsuit against the USADA. So, the senators affirmed that the USADA violated rights of certain athletes. That’s why they presented the request before Congress.